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Know about various hair Conditions that are mistaken for Dandruff

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Suppose you have dandruff. And, loads of it. The first and the foremost signal of dandruff is those unsightly white dry flakes that are everywhere from your scalp to your shoulders. Unfortunately, those white flakes aren’t the only good oil’ sign of dandruff. An itchy scalp, hair fall, and overall hair dryness can also be attributed to it.

However, in some cases, dandruff isn’t the root problem after all. What you may just be experiencing is common scalp conditions similar to dandruff, solutions to which need or need be associated with the latter at all. To differentiate between dandruff and other conditions, read on:


Unlike conventional dandruff, psoriasis is a condition that produces thicker, drier looking scales of skin than dandruff’s dry flakes. What’s more, psoriasis is not just limited to the scalp, but also tends to appear in other parts of the body such as knees and elbows. For further clarification on the condition, it’s recommended that you ask a dermatologist and seek proper treatment.

Extra dry scalp

The plain old dry scalp is often mistaken as the first sign of dandruff. However, did you know, some of the products you might be using on your hair could very well be attributed to drying the scalp? Cheap-quality shampoos and lack of hair care regimen can strip your hair and scalp of its natural moisture, thereby, leading to a dry scalp. Conclusion: false dandruff alarm.

Product build up

Do you ensure that you’ve rinsed your hair thoroughly after every styling product application, because if you don’t, the result could be similar to dandruff, yet not exactly it? Product leftover on your scalp and hair can lead to a kind of oilier, gummier build up along with sticky films that may be mistaken for dandruff. This buildup tends to combine with scalp’s naturally produced sebum, thus, resulting in dandruff-like conditions. So, if you regularly use hair styling products, make sure that there’s no residue left on your scalp and hair.

There you go! If you’re well aware of “what is dandruff” and have long been fighting it, it’s common to get confused. But, that’s where you need to dig a little deeper and consider the afore-mentioned conditions that may look like dandruff but are something else entirely.

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